Van der Waay is marktleider in kasdek-reinigers, krijtmachines en machines voor het repareren en onderhouden van kassen. Onze machines zijn extreem veilig, precies, licht van constructie en zeer betrouwbaar.
Roof washers
Nowhere else will you find an equal selection of roof washers than at Van der Waay. We supply roof washers for Venlo greenhouses, foil greenhouses, and wide span greenhouses.
Coating sprayers
Each spray machine from Van der Waay is carefully designed and assembled. The technology is thoroughly tested in practice, which translates into optimal results, proven reliability and durability.
Spray carts
Providing the greenhouse deck with an even coating is precision work. It is therefore of great importance that the spray liquid is prepared correctly and that the pump is suitable for pumping these coatings.
The Van der Waay pump sets are fully adapted to the chalk machines used to apply the coating.